See insight around the value you bring to other
Explore the My value section to see how your dashboards can give you an understanding of why people appreciate you and how others make a difference to your life.
On this page you can find out about:
1. The My Value section
The My value section is where you will find the dashboards with insights into your relationships and network.
These insights are formed of data added by yourself and others through the Add a connection form.
You can access it from the menu by click My value.
2. What you said dashboard
On the What you said tab you will see a summary of all the information you have added about the people you mapped as your valued connections on your project.
This summary can help you to reflect what you value in your relationships, how they make you feel and which groups in your network you have mapped so far.
As soon as you submit data through the Add a connection form it will appear in this dashboard.

3. What others said dashboard
The “What others said” tab shows you a summary of what your connections value you for.
This summary gives you insights about what people value you for and how your relationship makes them feel.
Information is only added to this dashboard if you have accepted people as connections in the My connections list.
You can find out how do this so you can see why they value you here.

EXPLORE: for more help finding your way around click here.